Monday, February 6

*Kingston Adventures*

LilySlim Fitness goals tickers
To learn more about geocaching visit If you'd like to be geocaching buddies look me up! I'm TipsyTurtle77. Happy hunting!

Well, I went out on the hunt for 5 caches and I ended up finding three. Not bad for a newbie but the funny thing is that I found all the micros and none of the smalls lol!

I did find some fabulous fungus and some tree bark for AL though...

Cache #1
This one was a pretty cool cache even though it was a micro. The actual container had been drilled into the tree or maybe there was a hole there already and they managed to fenagle it in there I'm not sure but it was still neat. Technically, Matt found this one but he doesn't want a geocache name to log his own ("I'm not really into this stuff, I just like watching you fall and trip" haha!) so I'm taking it since I was along and looking for it myself. I've got to get used to these dang coordinates because they don't pinpoint me to an exact location just an area of where it could be.

Cache #2
Even though this was a pretty easy find (no idea why they gave it a 3 in difficulty... that's the same that Dr. Evil has and I knew right where to look for this before I even got out of the car!) it was pretty darn awesome. Matt didn't even get out of the car. I was like, "OMG I see right where to look!" and off I went out the door! It was kind of creepy knowing someone was inside (I heard him cough lol) but the details said that he had given his permission and wouldn't bother any cachers so I went for it! It's somewhere in this pic hehe...

Cache #3: Sherman's Headquarters
Did not find this one dangit. When I came back here and was checking over the listing I see an additional hint that I did not see before. Blasted! Will maybe have to try this one again the next time Matt goes to Kingston lol!

There was no cache in this tree, but man what a great spot for one!

And this was another cool tree. Not sure why I snapped a pic. I just thought it looked interesting.

Cache #4
I did not find this one either and it was really aggravating. I really don't like caching where lots of people are. It makes me very uncomfortable - don't like people watching me. Every dang car that went by (and there were lots!) slowed down to see what the heck we were doing. One guy in a truck finally stopped and asked if we were looking for the owner of the place. I said, "Nope, just geocaching." He looked at me like I'd sprouted two extra heads so I just turned around and walked away from him. By that time I was in a cranky mood and just wanted to tell all the passerbys to MUGGLE OFF! I got in the car and was ready to leave. Sadly, this will be a doggone DNF grr! Didn't even take any pics I was so frustrated. Just wanted to get the heck out of there!

Cache #5
We got to this destination (which was someone's home but they gave permission for the cache to be there) and right when I got out to orientate myself with the GPS Matt got a call. I was like, "Oh heck no! I am not ending my day with another DNF dangit!" So, I took off down the fence looking everywhere and happened to spy it just a bit further up ahead than I already was. The container was a little snowman whose head twisted off and the log was inside lol. I hopped back in the car and Matt said, "Did you find it?" I said, "Yep!" and that was the end of my geocaching for the day! I didn't get to take any pics cause I have to use Matt's phone and he was taking a call on it but at least I got the find woohoo!!

Until next time... Happy Caching to all!

*I know Matt says he doesn't really get into this sort of thing but today I caught him practicing CITO and I must say I was quite proud. Also, at the Sherman's Headquarters hunt I heard him say, "Hey, is this... oh wait. Nope that's real dog shit." ROFL! So, I know he likes to hunt at least a little bit cause he's really trying!*


Designs By Kelin said...

The dog sh*t line made me laugh so hard I lost my breath! Congrats on the geocaching finds and remember DNF happens! I'm proud of him CITO! He'll get into it... Keith is the same way. If he feels good enough... He'll wonder around looking. AND they think we don't see them? It is fun to hunt.

Designs By Kelin said...

OH My I forgot what great fungus, stick and bark! I can't wait to get my grubby little hands on it... Until I can get there water the fungus every so often. Not much and I'd keep it out of direct sun. TY!

Home Budget Ideas said...
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