Saturday, February 11

D i s a s t e r :(

LilySlim Fitness goals tickers
To learn more about geocaching visit If you'd like to be geocaching buddies look me up! I'm TipsyTurtle77. Happy hunting!

That's kind of what today ended up being.

Our first stop ended up being on the side of a busy back road, which is usually the type of place I would rather be caching but today was so cold and so windy I could barely feel my face, kneecaps or fingers. Anna searched for about 5 minutes and said she was going back in the car with dad. We didn't find that one. Or the next one we went to. The third one was called Kiddie Cache and from the log tons of people have found it but as we were looking around (Anna had fallen asleep in the car and Matt was there with her) I got a message on my phone from Matt saying people were not thrilled we were there. We gave up the hunt and headed back out and sure enough there stood the lady and then her husband came out. I tried to explain what we were doing but she was not impressed that someone had not only hidden something on her property that she was not aware of but even less than impressed that apparently many, many people had been there and found it without her knowledge of them being on her property. It was really embarrassing and Matt was not impressed.

I did manage to get a few nice pics from the first area we were at...

We tried to find one that was supposed to be at an old Circuit City building but we didn't get that one either. I looked until I literally could not even make my hands function because they were so cold and then we went off to the next one.

I decided to go back to the Lock & Dam cause I knew where one of them was and I had planned on hunting for the other one as well. The kids finally got to find one :) Matt was not impressed with the weather and just kept bitching about everyone getting sick so he decided we were done caching for the day and that was that.

We made it home after Matt did a call and played Monopoly. Well, the kids and I played Monopoly. He walked straight to my bedroom to lay down. I knew he never even shut his eyes cause we were super loud. I couldn't help it. It was just nice to let out a bunch of whoops and giggles after such a frustrating day.

Here's some pics from the Lock & Dam...

Off on the hunt!

I'm bored... gonna play dead!

It's so cold Anna's hair was even holding onto her jacket!

Mr. GrumpyPants is not impressed.


Random scenery pics and Anna deciding she's going to roll back down the hill to the car.

Just as we almost got back to the car Anna realized she had lost the blue bead necklace she took as a prize from the cache so we backtracked our steps to find it. Kellie found it for her and this was the victorious return of the loot. When Anna sat down to check out the cache after they first found it she said, "We found treasure (insert pirate sound here argh!)!" It was cute :)

I found a wicked piece of mossy wood for AL and also some more fungus. The day was not terrible I had just hoped it would be more exciting. Our meet up with the muggle almost turned me off to geocaching but I will have to try and research my spots that I hunt a bit better. Although, this cache detail/log says absolutely nothing about being on someone's property but oh well. Better luck to us next time :)


Designs By Kelin said...


I emailed the woman who placed the kiddie cache and asked if she would be moving it or archiving it? I explained you were new to geocaching and was jumped on by the property owner. If she doesn't archive it... I will contact and they will archive it.

I wished you had, had a better time. :(

Tipsy Turtle said...

I left a note on the log too. I wish they had to tell in the details whether it was land or a business and if they have permission to leave them there. That was mega awkward but all in all it was an okay day. At least nobody was fighting or hitting or arguing! :)